We care about young people, we care about our future, and we care about making Pennsylvania a better place for all young people.
What we believe
- We believe all youth should be treated as youth
We believe in leading with youth voices - We believe that Pennsylvania should provide young people with care
- We believe that care means giving us the help we need
- We believe in restorative and transformative Justice
- We believe that incarceration does more harm than good
- We believe incarceration is giving up!

What we deserve
- We deserve more opportunities to live full and healthy lives
- We deserve a chance to make mistakes and opportunities to get it right
- We deserve better options than out-of-home placement and incarceration
- We deserve restoration that doesn’t strip us of safety and security (physically and emotionally)
- We deserve equity in response to systemic injustices along the lines of race, class, gender, orientation, ability, etc.

What we imagine
- We imagine a Pennsylvania where youth are cared for and supported
- We imagine safe places full of joy, where children can be children again
- We imagine all young people in the juvenile justice system having an “instant support team,” who can provide care, safety, and security for them
- We imagine our neighborhoods filled with the resources and supports to make incarceration obsolete